Welcome to Africa's Digital Powerhouse
Gasby Group is a Pan-African leading technology organization offering Fintech, E-commerce, Business Intelligence Technology, Health Technology and Real Estate enabled solutions and services across Africa.
Available: Mon - Fri 9AM - 5PM
Africa's Digital Powerhouse for Developmental Change.
Impactful Solutions for Africa.
Currently Running

We wanted to create an exceptional solution to remedy most developmental challenges faced by African businesses and Startup entrepreneurs.
...not just by making profit for ourselves, but as a service to our dear nation and continent. As our way of inspiring change in critical-thinking to motivate future developments. Something we believe every African youth needs.
George Lamptey
Why You Should Choose Us
We are very much in-tune with the perculiar needs of the African Startups and SME's sector. As the sector keeps changing, we keep ahead of our client's needs by being innovative in the services we offer.

We continue to grow through strategic partnerships, select acquisitions and expansion into locations where our technology can make an impact.
Decent Work and Economic Growth
We work assiduously to create decent work across Africa in other to help with the best economic growth necessary.

Industry, Innovation and Infrastruture
Our tenacious team invests endlessly in industrial solutions across Africa, whilst effortlessly, innovating technology and infrastructure for all.
Zero Hunger
At the core of our mission and vision is to help put food on plates of every African home.
Trust the Team

Ready to Partner Us?
We'd love to talk about how we can implement our solutions in your country, or how you can become our investor.